Document 1850 DOCN M94A1850 TI The reliability of accounts of the HIV male who claims to maintain a heterosexual relationship. DT 9412 AU Pucheu D; Verissimo J; Sion F; Morais de Sa CA; Gaffree and Guinle University Hospital, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):437 (abstract no. PD0357). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370725 AB OBJECTIVE: Investigating and evaluating, through psychological interviews, the accounts of HIV-positive males who claim to have been contaminated through strictly heterosexual relationships. METHOD: 18 low-income. HIV positive men, within the age bracket 25 to 55, were interviewed at least five times, while undergoing treatment at the Immunology Division of Clinica Medica B at Hospital Universitario Gafree e Guinle. The semi-structured interviews aimed at investigating the sexual lives of the subjects, during the last 7 years and followed the conceptual framework of psychoanalysis. RESULTS: 100% of the men in the first interview declared to have contracted HIV through sexual relationships with prostitutes. As the bonding with the therapist became stronger, 5 men (27%) revealed they usually had sex with transvestites, 2 (11.1%) affirmed they prostituted themselves for other men and 3 (16.6%) of them exposed some sort of homosexual desires and experiences. 8 men (44%) reached the end of the interviews affirming to have led a strictly heterosexual sex life. 100% of the men who admitted having had any type of homesexual experience claimed to play an active part in such experiences. From the 18 subjects, 10 were married and 8 were single. From the 8 men who related having had sexual relationships with transvestites, 50% were married. CONCLUSION: The dread of disclosing a homosexual behavior regardless of its frequency constructed a denial mechanism in the subjects. With denial, subjects made use of a stereotyped criteria to talk about their homosexuality, making a point of eliciting their role of the active partner. Moreover, it was through denial that the subjects disclosed their views of what it is to be male and female in the world, as they reinforced the sexual stereotype and tried to fit the male role. It was fundamental to elicit that since the male homosexual relationships are a source of humiliation, they are denied by males. The patient-therapist bond played a decisive role in the establishment of more reliable accounts, regarding HIV contamination, through sexual practices. Thus, it was through the strong patient-therapist bond that we accessed the more subjective and unconscious aspects of these men's experiences. DE Adult Bisexuality Female Homosexuality Human HIV Infections/*TRANSMISSION Male Middle Age Prostitution *Sex Behavior Truth Disclosure MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).